Our requirements for curriculum and instruction are aligned with those of the NC State Barber Board.​ The NC Barber Board can be found at
Full-time 7:00 am – 4:00pm (Tues. – Fri.); 7:00 am – 11:00 am (Saturday)
Students must remain in school all day in order to be credited with daily attendance.
Tuition, fees, and attendance requirements are determined based upon the total number of hours required to complete barber certification by the NC State Barber Board and a 10-month program tenure. Unexcused absences will result in the need to make up extra time in the program and will be billed accordingly. Make-up days are billed at $25/day. Our goal is that you complete certification in the most timely and cost-effective manner as possible.
Excused absences must be approved in advance by the College administrator or Assistant Manager when possible and will require accompanying documentation of the extenuating circumstance that caused the absence upon return to school. We realize that our students are balancing many priorities that can sometimes compete. Our desire is to be as flexible as possible to accommodate life balance needs.
Students are required to be in class and on-site during lecture and practicum hours. Permission must be requested formally from College administrators if students need to leave during the school day.
Roll call occurs daily at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:30 am, and 12:30 pm daily after a 5 minute arrival grace period at the beginning of each lecture/practicum session. Students must be present at roll call (barring unforeseen circumstances) in order to document their daily attendance. Any need to leave must be approved in order to substantiate attendance and the accrual of hours for NC Board Certification.
Barbering is a hands-on profession that requires precise people and technical skills. Class participation is expected and required to master the profession.
Class time and behavior are critical to student success and mastery. This gives students the opportunity to practice/learn under the guidance of professional.
Students are expected to demonstrate respect to each other, clients, and administrators at all time. (Horseplay, foul language, loitering of visitors, texting/messaging, arguing/fighting, other disruptive behaviors, and sleeping are some examples of unacceptable behavior).
Cellphones should not be used during class unless there is an emergency situation that warrants monitoring.
Students are required to dress professionally at all times.
White barber smocks, shirts, and work shoes must be worn at all times. Smocks are included in the tuition cost and will be ordered at time of enrollment.
Pants should not “sag” below waist/belt line. Open-toed shoes are unsafe and not permitted. (see dress code for reference)
Clothes should be wrinkle-free and laundered.
No smoking is permitted in building or in client-shared spaces.
Clients are partners in student success. They have chosen to be a part of the student learning experience and should be treated with courtesy and respect.
Seek professional counsel if client service request presents a unique challenge.
Charge clients equally and based upon published service fees.
Make all clients feel welcomed and respected. Refer any concerns to the manager for resolution.
Workstations and surrounding areas are to be kept clean at all times. Special sanitation practices as outlined should be performed after each client. To eliminate risks, please refrain from keeping bags, packages, of food containers in immediate work area.
Barber chairs and equipment are to be used only when service is being provided. Inappropriate use or unwarranted damages may result in fines.
Harris Barber College is a drug- and alcohol-free zone. All use of drugs or alcohol on the premises is not permitted. The administration reserves the right to request random drug test as appropriate given unacceptable behaviors and substantiated suspicions.
Unlawful and disrespectful behavior or repeated failure to comply with Harris Barber College rules, requirements, and policies may result in short- or long-term suspension and/or fines given the intensity of the infraction that occurs.
Harris Barber College aims to satisfactorily support all its students and employees. We encourage you to address any grievance with the school manager. However, we also are sensitive to students/ employees who might feel they will compromise their position by filing a grievance. We encourage those students/employees to contact the NC Board of Barbers or the Better Business Bureau to resolve any concerns that might warrant external review.
The Harris Barber College Administration wants to support your success. Any situation that impedes your ability to succeed at this institution is our concern. We welcome opportunities to support you, but have to rely on you to inform us when you need additional help, different learning strategies, and/or reasonable exceptions to established guidelines. We strive to provide you the education and skills to become the best barber and business people in the profession. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Harris Barber College wants to develop the best barbering professionals in the business. Your enrollment at Harris Barber College will reflect your commitment to providing and maintaining a professional climate for our clients, fellow students, prospective students, staff, and the Harris Barber College Brand. Our goal is to maximize your potential as a master barber professional. We believe that this begins with a professional appearance. For that reason, we strictly enforce the following dress code.​
Hair and beard must be clean, fresh-smelling, and neatly trimmed. Any loose hairstyles with appendages or add-ons (braids, dreads, extensions, etc.) with sufficient length must be neatly pulled back and gathered to prevent contact with or injury to the client and to maintain flexibility and mobility in service provision.
White barbering smocks must be worn. They should be kept clean and be fastened during class and all service provision.
Pants must be khaki, navy, or black. Jeans and sweatpants should not be worn.
Shirts must be solid colored without designs and collared. Shoes must be comfortable for standing, clean, and scuff-free. Only white sneakers should be worn. Shoes that limit mobility (such as high heels, multiple ties/snaps/buttons/straps) should not be worn.
Physical hygiene (bathing, brushing teeth, clean nails, etc.) must be maintained daily. Nails must be neatly manicured and not limit service provision.
Jewelry should be limited and must not impede service mobility. Earrings should be limited to studs that do not drop or dangle.
Students should not wear sneakers on Friday or Saturday which are high volume practical days with heavy client engagement.
Spaghetti straps, flip-flops, low-cut shirts/blouses, torn or worn clothing, printed shirts, jeans, tank-tops, mid-riff tops, scarves are not acceptable dress.
** If a student needs assistance finding appropriate dress the school manager will provide the support necessary to adhere to dress code.
** Management is authorized to notify students upon entry and request them to leave until established dress code standards are met.